Special Training
Geochemical Evaluations
Geochemical Evaluations of Metals in Groundwater and Surface Water
(Distinguishing Naturally Elevated Concentrations from Contamination)
Characterization of Mine Wastes
Applied Arizona Geology
Geochemical Transport Modeling
Computer Modeling of Natural Attenuation and Bioremediation Systems
Principles and Applications of Modeling Chemical Reactions in Ground Water
Transport and Fate of Organic Chemicals in Soil and Groundwater
Fractured Rocks: Characterization, Flow & Transport
Computer Applications in Ground Water Pollution and Hydrology
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Methods for Environmental Monitoring
Advanced Statistical Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
Advanced Statistical Techniques for the Geosciences
Advanced Topics in Statistical Analysis
Sampling and Weighing of Bulk Solids
Health and Safety
40-hour Mine Safety and Health (MSHA) New Miner with Annual Refreshers
40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations with Annual Refreshers
Thermo-Fisher Scientific NITON XRF Analyzer